
Cheap China Tours: Guizhou Hot Spring

July 7, by the Ministry of Land, deputy director of Tiantai You geological environment led "Chinese hot spring town" Assessment Working Group to examine Sinan County, Guizhou, and the development and utilization of geothermal resources, and to assess the county determined to declare " China spa town "standard, will be submitted to the Ministry of Land Review Committee approval. Shi Xiaolin, deputy chief cheap China tours engineer Beijing Bureau of Geology, Guizhou Provincial Department of party members, the deputy director Zhao Zhenhai, Tongren Prefecture, Sinan county leaders and experts will attend the assessment.
Sinan rich in geothermal resources, in the parrot Town, is booming township, three rivers and lakes, bridges rural territory, there are 11 springs, sunrise, water, 12,000 tons of mineral water in line with national health standards. June 2009, the county was named for the China Mining Association, "National Spa development and utilization demonstration zone" is the sixth, southwest area of ​​the first award. Subsequently, the timely establishment of the county development and utilization of geothermal resources in the leading group, and always will be declared the "Chinese spa town" as a "command" step up efforts to implementation, strive to Sinan spring play, "China's Hakone." Few years, it has already established a booming spa service limited liability company; commissioned Guizhou Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources Geological Team 103 was on the bay lump spa development drilling; Province National Land Agency for nearly 10 million financial support, protection of geological heritage; invested more than 500 million to complete the "spa tourism development plan the President" and "geothermal resources exploration development and utilization"; formulated the "Interim Measures on Management of groundwater resources development and utilization", "ground water monitoring program dynamic"; held Sinan * style poetry contest Wujiang, China Sinan landscape style (International) cheap tours to China photography contest, the Chinese Lantern Festival II Sinan other large-scale promotional activities on the resources; the successful introduction of the central enterprises and foreign Jianhua Cheng City Construction Co., Ltd. 1.2 billion Yuan Construction Hot Springs, has been in place capital of 130 million, to be officially started in September this year.
At the same time, the county should focus on tourism and urban infrastructure, invested 70 million yuan into the Wujiang River Bridge; invested 500 million yuan is under construction to the spa town of Wujiang Bridge and the Wujiang River Avenue; Wujiang tourism provincial highways and transportation terminals Hall project; construction of two five-star hotel; built tons of sewage treatment plant in the county; built Parrot Creek Hot Springs I, II wells and pumping facilities Paul Hom; Wujiang Silin is speeding up construction of power plants for water reservoir. In addition, 500 acres of land in north of the city, near the hot springs in the Parrot Creek 200 acres of land for spring demonstration area.For more information, please shift to China Custom Tours

