
Cheap Tour to China Taiyuan

Return to the town, Fen Wang Jing West Bank road trip, Taiyuan, Shanxi Museum is my focus. Shanxi Museum (free entry tickets collar) is the seat of a very modern museum, although it has just celebrated the 90th anniversary of the hall. Shanxi Museum's charm is that even without cheap China tours the time and money, traveled around the spots in Shanxi, Shanxi was able to have traveled to experience the real sense, I just love it. The most famous Shanxi Museum special exhibition "Jin soul", traces the source of Chinese civilization, one of the most important "three-Jin Wenming", plus collection and Xi'an, Zhengzhou, Henan, Shaanxi History Museum and the Museum, regardless of Autumn, in the exhibition form Shanxi Museum even better. Shanxi Museum in Taiyuan, Shanxi travel the entire trip as a prelude to the perfect thing to another.

Compared with the relatively distant Jinci, to Taiyuan City landmark twin towers will be easier, from the train station, take bus number 820, that is Shuangtasi  cheap tours to China terminal (tickets $ 20). Twin Towers, only to open a tourist board, I was lucky to catch up with blue skies after a heavy snow Taiyuan good weather, good snow Chu Chen twin towers are beautiful. For more information, please shift to China Custom Tours

